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Prima Energy Successfully Carried Out The First Oil Lifting At The Camar Field

5 Des 2024

Prima Energy Successfully Carried Out The First Oil Lifting At The Camar Field

JAKARTA - The Special Task Force for Upstream Oil and Gas Business Activities (SKK Migas) together with the Cooperation Contract Contract Contractor (KKKS) of PT Prima Energi Bawean (PEB) succeeded in carrying out the first lifting of crude oil production at the Camar Field in the Bawean Working Area.

This field is located in the waters of the North Java Sea, about 90 km from Surabaya which will resume operations in February 2024 after a three-year hiatus.

As a 100 percent operator in the Camar Field, PEB has obtained the PSC Cost Recovery contract through the Direct Offer Tender Oil and Gas effective since December 15, 2022.

CEO of PT Prima Energi Bawean, Pieters Utomo said, within 1 (one) year, PEB has succeeded in fulfilling its commitment to start production in the field.

"This first lifting process is an important milestone for PEB," he said in a statement to the media, Thursday, December 5.

The crude oil produced comes from 2 wells, namely CM-1 and CS-2, at the Central Processing Platform (CPP) of Camar Field. With the initial production of around 400 bopd and the total converted crude oil reached 95,000 barrels.

This oil is temporarily stored at the Fastron Temporary Storage Tanker (TST) before being transported using the Maersk Cayman tanker. Lifting runs smoothly, complying with high operational standards and prioritizing aspects of safety, security, and environmental protection.

"Currently, PEB is carrying out various development activities, including drilling for CW-1 and CW-2 wells at Monopod Platform A (MPA), deploying 8 km of pipes connecting the MPA with the CPP, as well as plans to reactivate old wells such as CM-6," he said.

With activities that have been and will be carried out, production in the Camar Field is projected to reach 2,200 BOPD by 2025, which is expected to make a significant contribution to Indonesia's energy security.

Lebih lanjut Pieters menyatakan bahwa prosesi lifting ini merupakan bagian dari pencapaian strategis PEB dalam mendukung industri upstream oil and gas nasional dan memberikan kontribusi nyata bagi pendapatan negara di akhir tahun 2024.

"PEB will continue to synergize with all parties to ensure smooth operation and maximize the potential in the Camar Field and Bawean Working Area," said Pieters.

Meanwhile, the Head of the SKK Migas Program and Communication Division, Hudi D. Suryodipuro, expressed his appreciation for the success of PEB in carrying out the first lifting.

"SKK Migas continues to encourage PEB to increase crude oil production in the Camar Field and implement exploration programs in the working area so that oil and gas potential in the working area can be maximized. This is part of efforts to support national energy security," said Hudi.


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