Provision of Control Panel ICSS - 31/07/2024 s.d 05/08/2024
PENGUMUMAN PRAKUALIFIKASI PT PRIMA ENERGI BAWEAN ("Perusahaan") dengan ini memberikan kesempatan kepada perusahaan - perusahaan yang me...
Provision of Control Panel ICSS - 31/07/2024 s.d 05/08/2024
Drill Bit Rental - 02/08/2024 s.d 06/08/2024
Provision of Discharge Cargo Hose-05/08/2024 s.d 07/08/2024
Re Assessment ISPS Code to RSO for Terminal SOCPF - 05/08/2024 s.d 07/08/2024
Provision of Well Head Control Panel For MPA
Provision of Slickline & Chemical Services for CS-1, CS-4L, CS-2, CM-1 and CM-6 Wells
SSSV Niple and SSD
CM-6 Tubing String
Accommodation Working Barge For CM-6
Provision IT Equipment (Prima Energy Northwest Natuna Pte. Ltd.)
Provision Rent Car (Prima Energy Northwest Natuna Pte. Ltd)
Provision IT Equipment (PT Prima Energi Bawean)